Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Light for America

Hate and vengeance is a disgrace
That puts tears upon her face.
She wants us to care and unite
So she can bask in the Light.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Peace Will Save America

Updated 4-11-2023

Please do not follow any person or group, that has been crudely degrading fellow American citizens, and calling for wars against any part of America, even when they claim to be making America great, because they are actually hurting America through hateful fighting, careless division and deception.

Its peace and kindness that will save America.

Uniting Into Peace


I do not believe in the Republican vs. Democrat wars.

America Already IS Great

America always has been great and it still is great!
It just has some problems that it has to solve and some reuniting
 to do and some healing to accomplish. Its not perfect, but its great.

Follow Your Heart

Please do your best to let your hearts or instincts feel what is or is not the REAL truth in my writings, as well as in other information that is shared in our world, no matter who it comes from.

Standing Alone...

Sometimes standing alone is better than falling in a crowd

A Calming Meditation

Peace begins within our own minds and hearts.

Doing this on a daily basis can help with whatever problems we may be faced with. The more we do it the more it can help us to feel more balanced and whole and peaceful and tuned into our own hearts and instincts. Doing it daily is best. It only takes a few minutes or as long as you want it to.

Sit or lay in a peaceful private place. Close your eyes and take deep slow breaths. Keep focusing on deeply breathing until your whole body is relaxed. Then imagine a large beam of pure white light streaming down from the sky and pouring into the top of your head. Imagine it filling up your head and then...filling up your whole chest and then...flowing into the rest of your body, even down your arms and hands and legs and feet. After this you can hold that vision and bask in it for as long as you want or can, before you stop.

If you can not see the light in your imagination, do not give up on doing the meditation. Keep trying. Sometimes it takes time and sometimes just the deep breathing and relaxation helps a lot. You can get creative with this and try it different ways. I had a friend who visualized the light coming from the trees and ocean and this felt better for her. I knew someone else who imagined a wall of white light passing through her. The light coming from the sky is what I see. You can also add in other things, like imagining a loving angel or ancestor hugging and holding and comforting you until you feel at peace.

If you have a physical illness, it helps to more heavily focus on light pouring into the part of your body that the illness is in. Imagine it washing the illness out of your body.

We can also visualize the Light shining on our loved ones, our business, our neighborhood, our whole country or all around the globe...etc. This actually really helps, especially when it is done with deep concentration. Imagine huge beams of white light shining down on America and spreading peace and safety.

Light is the best weapon we have.
Darkness can not exist where there is Light.

Monday, April 3, 2023

My Stand on Politics, in General

I do not engage in the Republican vs. Democrat stuff. I do not even understand a person voting for or supporting someone, just because they are either a republican or a democrat, especially when they do not even really like or agree with that person. To me, it only feels right to judge candidates by the type of person they are, and how good of job they would do, no matter what club or party or religion or whatever they are members of. To me, the most important things, about a person who is wanting to step into any sort of leadership role, are...

1. How much genuine HEART they have; are they genuinely kind to, and considerate of, their fellow human beings and opponents. Do they feel genuine compassion for ALL of the people they will be serving, especially the poor and elderly and struggling ones? HEART is the most important thing, because when people operate from a place of Love they do good things in good ways.

2. How much genuine integrity they have; are they honest about themselves and others - are they trustworthy? Do they behave in ways that make them good positive role models for their followers? Do they kindly wish their opponents well, instead of rudely degrading and insulting them? Can they gracefully accept defeat? Integrity is extremely important.

3. How functional they are; are they the type of person who can put their ego aside to admit mistakes and work at doing a better job? Are they advocates of finding peaceful resolutions to problems, instead of angrily fighting? This is also extremely important.

4. How much wisdom they have; are they mature enough for the responsibility? And are they experienced in the jobs they will be performing? This is not as important, as the first three things, but it does matter too.

Maybe its time for wise independent thinkers
to have more of a say in America, so that
America can be UNITED and SAFE again;
Perhaps instead of one president, we should have three -
one democrat and one republican and one neutral person.

I want the horrid political wars to be replace with peace.

A Call for Peace in Palestine and America

President Biden, please stand up for freedom and peace, instead of supporting Israel's long-standing war against the native Palestinian...