Congressional Censorship Hearing - July 20th, 2023

(Revised on 7-23-2023 - I personalize it a bit)

It was hard for me to watch this hearing. It was like watching an enslaved family that has become too dysfunctional to even realize how badly it behaves. To me, it is a batch of proof that there is something very wrong in our world. Please be sure to read the second half of this article.

In the beginning of this hearing, Chairman - Mr Jordan tried to give RFK Jr an extra five minutes to deliver his testimony, presumably out of consideration for his speech disability. But it may have been just to agitate those who had already made it clear that they did not want RFK Jr to even have a chance to speak at all, let alone more than the usual amount of time. Ms Plaskett immediately reacted and launched into griping about it and demanding that he be given only five minutes to speak. With this, it was off to a bad start and sadly continued this way. Ms Shultz then tried to stop RFK Jr from being able to speak at all.
   Several members of congress VERY obviously used this hearing as an opportunity to push their own personal agendas. Ms Plaskett used the hearing to rant about her own personal unrelated racial issues...etc. Mr Connell and Ms Garcia used it to defend and promote the covid vaccines with the usual total lack consideration for other people's right to feel uncomfortable with the vaccines, and other people's right to not want the vaccines, and other people's right to not be degraded or guilt tripped for following their own instincts above what was being said by the vaxxers, and other people's right to have an opinion that differs from theirs and big pharma's.
   This hearing was also used, by several members of congress, to rudely continue the process of insulting and discrediting and defaming/slandering/censoring RFK Jr. The levels of inconsiderateness and dysfunction, that were displayed by Mr Connolly and Ms Plaskett and Ms Shultz and Ms Sanchez and Ms Garcia was shocking. And I'm not saying this because they confronted RFK Jr.; I'm saying it because of the way they did it - brow beating him and obviously taking small parts of things he'd said and twisting them into what they wanted to build them into, and even dishonestly fabricating some things, just to make RFK Jr. look bad to the public. And they VERY obviously did not want to give him a chance to defend himself with the truth. They did the same things that some of the media reporters have been doing.
   Those who were acting out the most were actually censoring RFK Jr., in this hearing that was supposed to be about stopping the censorship. Ms Plaskett had even stated, at one point, that she did not want to sensor RFK Jr., but just wanted to not allow him to speak at the hearing, which is a total contradiction. Although their attempt to completely silence him failed, they did still sensor him through not allowing him time to respond to their accusations, through interrupting him when he was speaking and through trying to make people think that he is "hateful" and prejudice and "anti-Semitic" and is a bad "antivaxxer," and is hurting people...etc. (I've watched just about every speech RFK Jr has made in the past couple years and there was NONE of these things in any of them. And I am sensitive to those sorts of things, so I would have noticed if there had been. He has truly been the opposite of what they say.) Ms Plaskett and Ms Shultz's hateful verbal attacks, followed by aims to not allow RFK Jr a chance to defend himself, were so blatantly obvious that it made them look VERY bad. They were actually accusing RFK Jr of being hateful and slanderous while they themselves were being hateful and slanderous. (It was what I have called a typical raven puppet attack.) Can they hear or see themselves? Do they realize what they are doing and how it makes them look? Are they machines or human beings?
   I was glad to see that a bit more than half of the officials, who spoke in the hearing, behaved like decent functional people. But the unprofessional and dysfunctional behaviors of several of the others were truly shocking, and Ms Wiley seemed to be there for them to use, in order to back up their attacks against RFK Jr. At one point there was a heated exchange between Ms Wiley and Mr Stewart; Ms Wiley repeatedly evaded Mr Stewart's question when he was asking her if she felt that the government should be deciding what views or opinions people are subjected to. The question was phrased oddly at first. But even after Mr Stewart simplified it and rephrased it, she still could not answer it. In the end of that exchange she looked like a machine who could not even formulate her own opinion, or like a puppet that was not allowed to share it.

* If I were not aware of the pharmaceutical and radio wave mind control problem, and the various effects it has on victims of it, I'd be judging this meeting far more harshly than I am. I have no doubt that most people are judging it VERY harshly, because they do not know why people (in general) are now behaving far worse than they used to, even in places like this congressional hearing where professionalism and functionality have been the expected norm.
   But I am aware of the mind control and the darkness behind it. And so it appeared to me that at least some members of congress are victims of it. Several seem to be the type of puppets whose hearts are too blocked and minds are too enslaved to even see what fools they make of themselves as they plow forward with their verbal attacks, which often blindly accuses others of doing what they themselves are doing. But are they mind control victims? If so, are they like that all the time or was it just for a display in this meeting? Or are some of them just naturally that dysfunctional and inconsiderate? Either way, I hope they gain freedom from the darkness that so obviously has a grip on them, and find their hearts, especially since they are in high government positions that should be deserving of and earning our trust, instead of destroying it.
   Judging by things I've witnessed in our world, there are many people who have been reduced to the puppet status to various degrees, both inside and outside our governments, and I feel that this is really the core of most of our problems - masses of people who are unwittingly used by dark/evil forces - forces that want the dysfunctional chaos - that want greed and hate and vengeance and fighting to replace Love and Compassion and Peace, that want people to be arguing about semantics instead of focusing on what is important, that want the racial fighting, that want to project their own wrong doings onto their innocent targets, that want people to have no right to have or express their own personal opinions or beliefs when they differ from their own and that of their puppets, that want people to think the most important truths (that we all NEED to know) are just negative "conspiracy theories" and that those who share them have ill intentions, that want the mass distribution of justly questionable vaccines or pharmaceuticals without anyone having the right to feel uncomfortable with them or to not want them - that want people to think that "anti-vaxxers" are bad people, even though they are just people who are concerned about our safety and health - that want us all to become obedient puppets who do not have minds and hearts of our own, that have their puppets censor articles about the mind control and human enslavement and other bad things they do to humanity through their enslaved people/puppets, that want the world to think badly of us genuinely kind people who try to help things get better - that want aware people and victims of their microwave tortures to be called "mentally ill" instead of helped and protected from further harm, that want to manipulate elections in multiple ways (including defaming the most functional and caring candidates), that want to use government agencies and even congress and presidents as well as common folks in order to accomplish their evil aims, that want the democrats and republicans to hate each other instead of working together - that want the United States to become the divided states, that want the whole world to be either at war or completely controlled - that want to destroy the Heart and Spirit of humanity...etc. And they CAN NOT continue getting what they want. They just can't! They've succeeded with too much already and it has to stop. It just has to!
Due to that controlling evil force, which uses brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals and radio waves, in order to enslave and control human beings, our world has become a chaotic mess that is confusing and scary to most people and is either hurting or carelessly using uncountable numbers of unaware people... until aware officials let their hearts fully stand up and let all people know what has been happening, and we all pull together to support each other, and we regain freedom from that hell and heal from the damage it has done to us all. Never has this positive shift been needed more than right now. Its time to finally let in the Light. It just has to be!

No more suffering - no more wars
No more locks on freedom's doors.

Three Videos of RFK Jr.'s Stand After the Congressional Hearing

The Full Live Congressional Hearing on Censorship July 20, 2023

P.S. A lot of sly manipulations happen under that dark control. So, I wonder about a lot of things... Were all the officials, who behaved so badly in that hearing, democrats? If so, do the evil forces now want the public to think badly of the democrats? If so, why?

My Personal Note; I felt insulted by some of the statements that Ms Plaskett and Ms Shultz and Ms Wiley made as they tried to justify censoring RFK Jr.; in general, they talked as if us common folk, are not capable of making our own decisions about who or what we listen to, and as if we are not capable of formulating our own separate opinions after listening to people like RFK Jr. This really is insulting to us. If we do not like something or do not want to hear something all we have to do is turn it off. Listening or not listening should be our choice and not anyone else’s. We are NOT all little children and those who are have their parents to make these decisions for them. ( I agree that some people are like sheep who blindly follow others instead of tuning into their own hearts and instincts, but the remedy for this is to stop the mass distribution of the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals that turn them into foolish blind sheep and is NOT to have some other person (especially not some other sheep/puppet) decide what they should or should not hear. Seriously! This is just common sense. )
   Sometimes RFK Jr's opinions or beliefs differ from mine, but I see this as an OK thing and not any fault of his or mine. And I find it odd that anyone would think in any other way. And I have the common sense to notice when people like him are upset and venting and when they are delivering specific accurate information. And I have enough common sense to understand what they are trying to say, when they make mistakes or do not articulate things in ways that are perfectly politically correct. And over-all I just believe what feels good and right, or what there is enough solid proof of, and then I cast aside the rest and chuck it up to just their opinions or their beliefs or their moments of venting. Isn't this what most people would naturally do when there is nothing preventing us from doing so? I think so.
   I do not take any kind of pharmaceutical and I am a VERY firm "anti-vaxxer" and I believe that I am more free because of this. And FYI: "anti-vaxxers" are NOT bad people - we are caring people who feel that the vaccines are not as safe as is claimed and there are many scientific reports that justify our feelings.
   One thing I have learned since I was a child is that when jealous or hateful or abusive people (especially the fully controlled raven puppets) are looking for something bad to tell people about us they are going to find it no matter what we say or do; if they can't honestly find anything they will just twist something into what they want it to be or totally fabricate something. And it looks like RFK Jr is a victim of this too, both inside that hearing and elsewhere. Why are the abusive slanderers not the ones who are censored? They are the ones who are intentionally hurting people. Ms Plaskett and Ms Shultz and many reporters in the media have displayed behaviors that are hatefully abusive and slanderous toward RFK Jr. and others, including all whom they negatively call "anti-vaxxers" or "conspiracy theorists," as if we are bad for suspecting wrong doing or for knowing things that they don't or for just feeling uncomfortable with the covid vaccines...etc.
   Why is it not OK for kind and considerate people to express their own beliefs and opinions and personal choices and it is OK for reporters and members of congress to behave abusively toward those of us who have opinions or beliefs that differ from their own or who know things that they are not yet aware of? The answer is; evil pharmaceutical and radio wave mind control and the hell it has been creating in humanity.

I agree with censoring things that both children and adults should not be subjected to; things like porn, and belligerent offensive swearing, and real hate stuff that is threating and violent and scary, and hateful stuff that is intentionally slanderous, and hurtful stuff that is intentionally emotionally or mentally abusive (like name calling or negative labeling), and evil subliminal messaging stuff that brainwashes people, and criminals who use the internet to find children or adults to either rape or abduct and sell...etc. If only there were a LOT more censoring of ALL these things and no censoring of those of us who are kind, decent people who share our own heart felt opinions and beliefs with the intent to help other people...

Please always tune into your own heart and instincts when you read or hear things, because sometimes what feels right is more right than science is saying, and what feels wrong is more wrong then science is saying.

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