Who Am I?

I am an American citizen who is not a democrat or a republican.

 It does not matter who I am, because what matters most is you listening to your own instincts and hearts, no matter who I am. I could be a complete nobody - a homeless waif, that the world looks past, or I could be a famous rich person...etc. But why would who I am even matter to you when its whether or not there is REAL truth in what I say, that matters most? No matter who I am, I could be wrong about some things and I could be right about some things. Some of this is just my opinion and yours may be different.

Please do your best to let your hearts or instincts feel what is or is not the REAL truth in my writings, as well as in other information that is shared in our world, no matter who it comes from.

When you get information ask yourself... What are the facts? What is there for scientific proof? And if there is not enough proof... what does your own heart and instinct feel? Does it feel right? Does it feel good? Does it have a positive effect? Sometimes common sense and intuition know more than science does.

This blog is about me asking you to be strong and to tune into your own heart and instincts enough to not blindly follow any other person or organization, because these are difficult times in our world and there are many deceptions. And its about me standing up with things that I feel are important for us all to know, so that we can let peace help America to remain the great country it always has been and still is.

Sometimes standing alone is better than falling in a crowd.

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