An Unusual Prejudice and it's Threat to America

Updated on 5-30-2023

I am not a democrat or a republican. And I am not a government official or employee or an advocate for the government. In fact, through most of my life I had never thought much about the government, because I was never into politics and my interests are in other arenas. But, due to things I have witnessed and experienced, in the past few decades, I have realized what an important role the government has in the process of retaining (or restoring) freedoms that are vital for the wellbeing of America and the rest of humanity.

Long ago, I went through a period of time where I blamed "the government" for an experience I had with just a couple people who worked in one tiny part of the government. I, of course, later realized how foolish it was for me to do that, because it was actually a form of prejudice. It was like people blaming all the dark skinned people for the behaviors of just a few, or people blaming all of the light skinned people for the behaviors of just a few, or people blaming a whole company for what one employee did, or people blaming all of the republicans for what just a few do, or people blaming all of the democrats for what just a few do, or people blaming the whole American police force or the whole department of justice for what one person says that one prosecutor has done...etc. This sort of prejudice has been happening a LOT in America.
   I have even witnessed blatantly obvious prejudice standing up to fight against prejudice in the BLM movement! And this was aside from their aim to "defund" the whole American police force for just a few isolated incidents with individuals. Donald Trump has recently done a similar thing - calling for the defunding of the whole department of Justice and the whole FBI after he was indicted for crimes, which appears to be an act of vengeance as well as this form of prejudice.
   There has been a growing movement against "the government" in America for a long time now and some of it appears to be due to various types of brainwashings and manipulations. And its wrong, even though there have surely been parts of our government that do not measure up to our expectations. Our government is not perfect, but its what has the power to solve some of the problems that the rest of us can't solve. We need it FAR more than most of us have realized. And changes that need to be made, should be suggested in peaceful and considerate ways, not through hateful degradings or vengeful wars that misplace blame.

We should all be VERY careful to not to let prejudice, or false rumors make us unfairly blame the whole government, or anything else, because it just adds to the problems we are now faced with. Its the hateful wars against the government, against the democrats, against the judicial system, against the whole police force...etc., that have been destroying America. Please do not follow any person or group, that has been calling for angry wars against any part of America, no matter what the problem appears to be. Please do not follow any person or group, that has been calling for angry wars against any part of America, no matter what the problem appears to be.


When we look at the bigger picture, with our hearts, we can see that "the government" is just our fellow American citizens - its people who are our family members or our neighbors or our community members. And we should peacefully strive to make our government better, instead of angrily fighting against it

 Trump's "Deep State" Problem;
   Many people believe in Trump's "deep state," because most people can sense that there truly is something horrible happening - something dark and sinister - something that lurks behind the scenes. There are many different perceptions and rumors about what it is. And I have no doubt that SOME parts of them are REAL truth, but that many aren't.

From my vantage point; "the deep state" is just one tiny part of a large global problem and it is not the American government or the democrats who are responsible for it. It is actually FAR bigger than that. And I know this based on things that I have directly experienced and witnessed and not through blindly believing rumors that other people have told me.

I believe that the officials who are going to save America, are the ones who have the heart to be peacefully uniting America, instead of angrily fighting against America.

   I believe that the officials who are going to fix the real sinister problems are the ones who are fully aware and can handle the situation in functional ways that are considerate of America and ALL of its citizens.
   I believe that many caring and honest and aware officials are working on fixing the real sinister problems, even though there have been many things set up to interfere with their progress and prevent them from fully standing up and being here for the rest of us. They are the ones who will hopefully soon be standing up to help us all to understand more of the REAL truths, so that our confusion and fear can be replaced with clarity and feelings of safety and peace. This is what I believe in and have been waiting for.
   Please do not follow any person or group, that has been crudely degrading fellow American citizens, and calling for wars against any part of America, even though they claim to be making America great, because they are actually hurting America through hateful fighting, careless division and deception. TRUMP IS NOT AMERICA'S SAVIOR! 

Its the hearts of the citizens of America, both inside and outside the government, uniting and supporting each other, instead of separating and fighting against each other, that will save and heal America.

There was wisdom in the saying, "United we stand - Divided we Fall."


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