Saturday, July 27, 2024

Avoiding the Negative Fighting

 We can still stand up for what is right
Without joining the negative fight.

I am praying for peace between our political candidates and political parties. We, the people,
should not be subjected to the hateful political fighting anymore. It's just not good for any of us.

Resolution for the Immigration problem

The immigration dispute seems to be caused by two opposing views that were probably inspired by reports, which state that the population in the USA has been steadily diminishing. Some people appear to want to increase our population through allowing mass immigration. And others appear to want to increase our population through blocking immigration and banning abortions - forcing women to have babies that they do not want or can not afford...etc.

I feel that the current drop in our population is a healthy thing, at least until humanity heals into being far more caring and far less destructive to itself (especially to children) and the Earth and the universe. But, for those who want the population to increase instead of decreasing...

I strongly feel that women should NEVER be forced to have a baby, and should always have the right to abort a pregnancy in the early months. So on the child birth part of this problem we must ask, why are so many women choosing abortion over birthing and raising a child? Below are three of what I feel may be the most popular reasons...

1. because they can't afford to birth and raise a child.

2. because they don't care enough to go through the trouble of birthing and raising a child, due to their hearts being blocked by the mass distribution of feeling and brain numbing pharmaceuticals.

3. because they care enough to feel that our world is too messed up to bring more children into it, at this time.

So, what can be done to encourage them to CHOOSE to have and raise more children? The resolutions are obvious and would include more efforts to make child rearing more affordable for ALL people, and more efforts to stop mass distribution of un-needed and harmful pharmaceuticals that make people too careless, and more efforts to make our country a more free and safe and functional place to raise children in. These are difficult tasks for sure, but they ALL must be done, for everyone's sake, anyway, not just to increase the population.

And we obviously also need a fair and considerate resolution to the immigration problem at our Southern border, because neither of the two extremes, that we've experienced in the past seven years seem feasible... Too many immigrants let in to suffer in homeless situations is not good for them or us. And blocking most of the immigration is also not good for them or us. We need something in between these two extremes, something that is considerate of EVERYONE involved.
   We must keep in mind that America was built by immigrants. EVERYONE who is not a native is an immigrant. Since immigrants came and took over this continent; "America" has prided itself in being a beacon for people who need a more free and more opportunistic place to live. Our statue of liberty is there to remind us of this. I feel that this should not be cast away, because it is the most positive part of America - the beacon for people to have the freedom to get a job or start a business and afford a better place to live...etc. But, of course we do need to be careful to not let in violent criminals or drug dealer types of people.

I wonder if huge factories being built on the Southern border could give the poor immigrants jobs and dorms to live in, and help America as well. New immigrants could live and work there for a year or two, in order to learn English and earn enough money to get their own place to live...etc. This would be a good way to screen which ones we want to fully let in and which ones we should send back. Either way - returned or fully immigrated in, they will have earned money to help them get their own place to live and get back onto their own feet. Its a win-win situation, because these factories could also help bring more industry back to America, instead of letting it remain over-seas.
   I think the factories should be government owned or run so that greedy rich people do not treat the potential immigrants unfairly, just so they can make more of a profit off of them. But some profits surely can be fairly made. Perhaps they could help diminish our high tax rates? :-) Perhaps the factories could be profit sharing types of businesses for the people hired into management positions? Needless to say it would have to be a very humane operation that benefits EVERYONE, especially the suffering poor people who just need safety and kindness and a chance to earn a living and get back onto their own feet, whether it ends up being here in America or back in their own country.

P.S. I think the factories should be right on the southern border, so that they would not resemble completely fenced in prison camps - so that one side is left open for them to come and go whenever they want to. And the workers should get at least minimum wage. A fair amount can be deducted for room and board and their own savings for when their time is up. Even at the (currently way too low) $7.25 minimum wage rate, they should each be able to save at least $3,000 dollars a year for their next step. That would go a LONG way in some of those other countries. Even here it (or double that) could be enough for a down payment on an inexpensive property, or at least a security deposit and first months rent, in a place where the factory has helped them get a better job with a blue card and recommendations.

An Epiphany on the Water Contamination Problem

I had wondered how the pharmaceuticals were getting into our wilderness rivers and streams, since the EPA said they were being found there as well as in our city water supplies. This has been thought to be primarily from run off of unused pharmaceuticals that has not been properly disposed of. But I just realized that, because most people consume various types of pharmaceuticals, which contaminate our human waste, almost every country septic system is contaminating the Earth, especially those that sit near the pathways of under ground streams...


So, what is the obvious solution? Return to using at least mostly only safe and healthy raw plants and healthy diets for medicine. We may also be able to filter the waste, of pharmaceutical takers, through something like charcoal, in order to remove the chemicals, but would the loaded charcoal waste contaminate the Earth too? There are probably other things we can also do, but lets finally face the TRUTH...


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

United Instead of Divided

We remain united when we refuse to pick sides in the hateful battles, and we care enough to have consideration for people who have opposing views and beliefs.


I'm feeling sad for the people who got killed or injured or traumatized during the shooting at Trump's Pennsylvania rally. And I feel very worried about Trump's angry fisted call to "Fight! Fight! Fight!" as he was lead off the stage. This seemed to be a call for his followers to retaliate with even more violence against whomever they decide to blame. I hope this does not happen. Far too much of this has already been happening and...


I hope Trumps followers use their hearts and realize that truly "Making America Great" would have to include stopping ALL forms of the violent political fighting, including the rude and crude and demeaning verbal attacks that have been dished out by Trump and his followers far more than any other people I know of.


Presidents and candidates are like the parents of the people in our nation. And when they demonstrate vengeful or hateful or rude and crude fighting against each other, it has a negative effect on the people. Positive change has been VERY deeply needed for almost a decade now.

I am praying for peace between our political candidates and political parties. We, the people, should not be subjected to the hateful political fighting anymore. It's just not good for any of us.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Facing Our Core Problem

(Revised 8-9-2023)

Have you noticed the sad state of our world; the growing discord and confusion, the masses of people who behave like numb sheep, the many lost people who seem unable to use their own common sense and hearts, and the resulting elevated levels of hate and discord and violence? It is clear that something is very wrong and that we must realize what it is, so that we can set things right...

The Core Problem

Most people are aware that radio waves can be shot down from space for internet and phone use. But they can also be shot down for other purposes. The other purposes have not been advertised, but they are many. Radio waves, which are tuned to the same frequency as the human brain, can remotely influence people. And this process is more effective on people who have sustained a certain type of brain damage and people who are ingesting certain types of pharmaceuticals; brain and feeling numbing psychiatric pharmaceuticals have been prescribed to HUGE masses of people through the field of general medicine as well as through the field of psychiatry. And other people are ingesting them through the "traces" of them that have been being found in public and bottled drinking water, and possibly also through other pharmaceuticals or vaccines. (I suspect that filters have been built into radio wave detection and blocking technologies, which makes them bypass the very low frequencies that are used for mind control. Please pass this info onto officials.)

Please don't cast this out as a "conspiracy theory." Even just the slightest chance of this really happening should instigate massive investigations. I am sure that it is indeed happening, on a large scale, since at least the 1950s. And it appears that the remote influencing can happen to whole communities as well as individuals. Even just the pharmaceutical part of this problem is a holocaustal situation, because it blocks people’s hearts and instincts and turns people into numb sheep who are more brainwashable and less caring...etc.
   In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy stood up to expose hints of this problem in a speech to the press. He said, "there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security - a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity.... This is a time of peace and peril, which knows no precedent in history... we look for strength and assistance, confident that with YOUR help, man will be what he was born to be - free and independent." (If only he had fully explained what was happening, and how it was happening, before he was killed.)
   As we realize the reality of this we must be careful to not misplace blame so that the discord is kept to a minimum. People tend to think that "its the government" but government officials are victims of it too. It appears that even our White House has not been safe from the mind control intrusions. I see evidence of this in the unusual behaviors of many officials. There are now masses of mind control victims in humanity, ranging from mild to severe. It may even be accurate to say that most of humanity is already enslaved to some degree. And blaming victims is not going to help this situation. Those who are responsible seem to be some sort of satanic occult, which has been enslaving and using people while they hide behind the scenes. Some evidence points toward this being a covert continuation of the holocaust Hitler was involved in. They seem to want complete control of humanity and have heavily targeted America in many ways. 

Criminal use of brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals and radio wave technologies truly is the most dangerous thing humanity will ever have to face and stop, and this MUST be faced and completely stopped as quickly as possible.

Please give this the benefit of your understandable doubt.

Be objective. Be brave. Be peaceful. Be understanding and kind.


 Please print and share this paper - please help set humanity free.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Feel the Truths

Please always tune into your own heart and instincts when you read or hear things, because sometimes what feels right is more right than science is saying, and what feels wrong is more wrong then science is saying.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

The "Five Minutes for Freedom" Speech

    The original "National Health Freedom Coalition" was started, in order to enable natural health care practitioners the right to help people without being arrested and convicted for offering herbs or energy healing...etc., without a medical license. Then it grew into standing up for other rights and freedoms associated with our health and safety and our right to make choices for ourselves, which do not include pharmaceuticals or mandatory vaccines for our children...etc.

   Diane Miller is a lawyer who is one of the three original founders of the National Health Freedom Coalition. In this "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech Diane exposed a truth that every person on earth should be made aware of. It is difficult to hear on this video because Diane Miller's microphone appears to have not been working properly and she struggled with the delivery of her speech in some places. But it was still the best speech I've ever heard and those who know me, and my very long lone stand for freedom, will understand why when you hear it. I literally cried through the last minute or so of it and had to listen to it a couple times. "Someone else knows and is standing up!," my heart literally cried out loud. This meant a lot to me. More than words can say. Nothing has given me hope more than this one minute of this speech has. I have transcribed* this part for those of you who will not be able to hear it well on your computers.

I hope this speech will reach the whole world and help restore our most important freedoms - the freedom to think for ourselves and retain our own hearts and spirits and live out our lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference from the dark forces that use pharmaceuticals and radio wave technologies and other things, in order to control or harm humanity...

"We have a new element in our world, since 1900. It is the evolution of our man made technology. Current technology has the capacity to control, kill, destroy humans without confrontation or traditional war or explosions. Technology has the capacity to make Mother Earth uninhabitable. Technology has the capacity to convert humans into non-humans, without their consent. Technology has the capacity to change the nature of what it means to be human. Technology, in and of itself, does not recognize the fundamental principle that humans have a sacred side; a soul path - a yearning for following their hearts and pursuits - a need for the freedom to decide their own destiny and to be free from the abuse of power and domination - and our innate interconnectedness... with all of nature and Mother Earth - and our expectation for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    Technology is a tool. It does not have a soul. It can be used for good. It can be used for evil or tyranny. Will those who own or implement technology be held to the moral principals embodied in our constitution - our law of the land? Can our constitution provide the much needed guidance now, and reign in technology, to insure the survival of humans and our planet? Will we and our law makers act quickly and will we construct our [ grills? ] soon enough to save our lives? We are the people.... This is our dream; the sacred plan of freedom - the protection of the human spirit. We will now act, all together, and answer our individual callings to do what we can to steer our sacred ship of freedom to safe harbor."
 ~ Diane Miller JD

5 Minutes for Freedom speech by Diane Miller JD

   I think it is probably no coincidence that the microphone was not working well for this speech. It appears to me that Diane has been being covertly targeted. And its probably radio waves that were used to interfered with her brain function during this speech and some other ones.
   I pray for a strong Light to shine for Diane and her courageous pursuits to regain some of our lost freedoms. It appears that she has accomplished a lot with helping state laws to be passed, which enable us the freedom to make our own personal health care choices, but it surely would have been a lot more if there was less opposition. Diane deserves a LOT of credit for following her own heart in a pursuit of freedom for humanity. I'm sure its not been easy for her.
   The original "National Health Freedom Coalition" now appears to have split up; it branched out into the "United States health freedom congress," which seems different from the original organization and has become more popular. Shifts like this are a common result of the evil targeting that tries to phase out the genuine heart of the original and replace it with something else - something more controllable. Hopefully this is not what has happened here and that it is stopped if it is. Below is the website for the original organization...

National Health Freedom Coalition

Constitutional Rights: It's a Matter of Health and Survival by Diane Miller JD

P.S. I wonder if they also took over Diane's family, like they did mine. I'd love to talk to her, but I don't dare even try to, because it would most likely make the targeting vamp up on both of us and sabotage our connection. This has happened before. It has been my experience that truly targeted people, who are fully aware and have the heart to resist, have not been allowed to unite, because there is more power in groups who stand up than there is in individuals who stand up. And because isolated individuals can be more easily inconspicuously murdered or gotten rid of in some other way. It appears that Diane has not been as isolated, as I have been, and this is good for her. However, the tiny amount of views and support for her "Five Minutes for Freedom" speech indicates that she is too alone in this stand. Please give her some kind and genuine support. Hopefully she never will be isolated and that she still has loved ones who can care about her and support her and that her heart will hold strong. I pray for safety and freedom for her and all other targeted people as well as the rest of humanity. And me too.

Hopefully soon... all of us (humanity) will be fully free to follow our own hearts and instincts and natural spirituality, and live out our own lives the way we choose to, without any sort of interference or harm being inflicted by radio wave technologies or pharmaceuticals or anything else.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Light for America

Hate and vengeance is a disgrace
That puts tears upon her face.
She wants us to care and unite
So she can bask in the Light.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Peace Will Save America

Its peace and kindness that will save America.
Not the rude and crude and hateful fighting against fellow citizens.

Uniting Into Peace


I do not believe in the Republican vs. Democrat wars.

America Already IS Great

America always has been great and still is great!
It just has some freedoms to re-gain, and some problems to solve,
and some reuniting and healing to do. Its not perfect, but its great.

Follow Your Heart

Please do your best to let your hearts and instincts feel what is or is not the REAL truth, and what does or does not feel right, before believing or following anything.

Standing Alone...

Sometimes standing alone is better than falling in a crowd

A Calming Meditation

Peace begins within our own minds and hearts.

Doing this on a daily basis can help with whatever problems we may be faced with. The more we do it the more it can help us to feel more balanced and whole and peaceful and tuned into our own hearts and instincts. Doing it daily is best. It only takes a few minutes or as long as you want it to.

Sit or lay in a peaceful private place. Close your eyes and take deep slow breaths. Keep focusing on deeply breathing until your whole body is relaxed. Then imagine a large beam of pure white light streaming down from the sky and pouring into the top of your head. Imagine it filling up your head and then...filling up your whole chest and then...flowing into the rest of your body, even down your arms and hands and legs and feet. After this you can hold that vision and bask in it for as long as you want or can, before you stop.

If you can not see the light in your imagination, do not give up on doing the meditation. Keep trying. Sometimes it takes time and sometimes just the deep breathing and relaxation helps a lot. You can get creative with this and try it different ways. I had a friend who visualized the light coming from the trees and ocean and this felt better for her. I knew someone else who imagined a wall of white light passing through her. The light coming from the sky is what I see. You can also add in other things, like imagining a loving angel or ancestor hugging and holding and comforting you until you feel at peace.

If you have a physical illness, it helps to more heavily focus on light pouring into the part of your body that the illness is in. Imagine it washing the illness out of your body.

We can also visualize the Light shining on our loved ones, our business, our neighborhood, our whole country or all around the globe...etc. This actually really helps, especially when it is done with deep concentration. Imagine huge beams of white light shining down on America and spreading peace and safety.

Light is the best weapon we have.
Darkness can not exist where there is Light.

Monday, April 3, 2023

My Stand on Politics, in General

I do not engage in the Republican vs. Democrat stuff. I do not even understand a person voting for or supporting someone, just because they are either a republican or a democrat, especially when they do not even really like or agree with that person. To me, it only feels right to judge candidates by the type of person they are, and how good of job they would do, no matter what club or party or religion or whatever they are members of. To me, the most important things, about a person who is wanting to step into any sort of leadership role, are...

1. How much genuine HEART they have; are they genuinely kind to, and considerate of, their fellow human beings and opponents. Do they feel genuine compassion for ALL of the people they will be serving, especially the poor and elderly and struggling ones? HEART is the most important thing, because when people operate from a place of Love they do good things in good ways.

2. How much genuine integrity they have; are they honest about themselves and others - are they trustworthy? Do they behave in ways that make them good positive role models for their followers? Do they kindly wish their opponents well, instead of rudely degrading and insulting them? Can they gracefully accept defeat? Integrity is extremely important.

3. How functional they are; are they the type of person who can put their ego aside to admit mistakes and work at doing a better job? Are they advocates of finding peaceful resolutions to problems, instead of angrily fighting? This is also extremely important.

4. How much wisdom they have; are they mature enough for the responsibility? And are they experienced in the jobs they will be performing? This is not as important, as the first three things, but it does matter too.

Maybe its time for wise independent thinkers
to have more of a say in America, so that
America can be UNITED and SAFE again;
Perhaps instead of one president, we should have three -
one democrat and one republican and one neutral person.

I want the horrid political wars to be replace with peace.

Avoiding the Negative Fighting

  We can still stand up for what is right Without joining the negative fight. I am praying for peace between our political candidates and po...