Saturday, July 27, 2024

Resolution for the Immigration problem

The immigration dispute seems to be caused by two opposing views that were probably inspired by reports, which state that the population in the USA has been steadily diminishing. Some people appear to want to increase our population through allowing mass immigration. And others appear to want to increase our population through blocking immigration and banning abortions - forcing women to have babies that they do not want or can not afford...etc.

I feel that the current drop in our population is a healthy thing, at least until humanity heals into being far more caring and far less destructive to itself (especially to children) and the Earth and the universe. But, for those who want the population to increase instead of decreasing...

I strongly feel that women should NEVER be forced to have a baby, and should always have the right to abort a pregnancy in the early months. So on the child birth part of this problem we must ask, why are so many women choosing abortion over birthing and raising a child? Below are three of what I feel may be the most popular reasons...

1. because they can't afford to birth and raise a child.

2. because they don't care enough to go through the trouble of birthing and raising a child, due to their hearts being blocked by the mass distribution of feeling and brain numbing pharmaceuticals.

3. because they care enough to feel that our world is too messed up to bring more children into it, at this time.

So, what can be done to encourage them to CHOOSE to have and raise more children? The resolutions are obvious and would include more efforts to make child rearing more affordable for ALL people, and more efforts to stop mass distribution of un-needed and harmful pharmaceuticals that make people too careless, and more efforts to make our country a more free and safe and functional place to raise children in. These are difficult tasks for sure, but they ALL must be done, for everyone's sake, anyway, not just to increase the population.

And we obviously also need a fair and considerate resolution to the immigration problem at our Southern border, because neither of the two extremes, that we've experienced in the past seven years seem feasible... Too many immigrants let in to suffer in homeless situations is not good for them or us. And blocking most of the immigration is also not good for them or us. We need something in between these two extremes, something that is considerate of EVERYONE involved.
   We must keep in mind that America was built by immigrants. EVERYONE who is not a native is an immigrant. Since immigrants came and took over this continent; "America" has prided itself in being a beacon for people who need a more free and more opportunistic place to live. Our statue of liberty is there to remind us of this. I feel that this should not be cast away, because it is the most positive part of America - the beacon for people to have the freedom to get a job or start a business and afford a better place to live...etc. But, of course we do need to be careful to not let in violent criminals or drug dealer types of people.

I wonder if huge factories being built on the Southern border could give the poor immigrants jobs and dorms to live in, and help America as well. New immigrants could live and work there for a year or two, in order to learn English and earn enough money to get their own place to live...etc. This would be a good way to screen which ones we want to fully let in and which ones we should send back. Either way - returned or fully immigrated in, they will have earned money to help them get their own place to live and get back onto their own feet. Its a win-win situation, because these factories could also help bring more industry back to America, instead of letting it remain over-seas.
   I think the factories should be government owned or run so that greedy rich people do not treat the potential immigrants unfairly, just so they can make more of a profit off of them. But some profits surely can be fairly made. Perhaps they could help diminish our high tax rates? :-) Perhaps the factories could be profit sharing types of businesses for the people hired into management positions? Needless to say it would have to be a very humane operation that benefits EVERYONE, especially the suffering poor people who just need safety and kindness and a chance to earn a living and get back onto their own feet, whether it ends up being here in America or back in their own country.

P.S. I think the factories should be right on the southern border, so that they would not resemble completely fenced in prison camps - so that one side is left open for them to come and go whenever they want to. And the workers should get at least minimum wage. A fair amount can be deducted for room and board and their own savings for when their time is up. Even at the (currently way too low) $7.25 minimum wage rate, they should each be able to save at least $3,000 dollars a year for their next step. That would go a LONG way in some of those other countries. Even here it (or double that) could be enough for a down payment on an inexpensive property, or at least a security deposit and first months rent, in a place where the factory has helped them get a better job with a blue card and recommendations.

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